Exercism Solutions

Exercism Solutions #

These solutions are provided so that you can check your work or get an idea, if you’re stuck. If you use them to cheat, understand that you’re only cheating yourself. That goes for everything on this website.

Python #

Ellen’s Alien Game #

"""Solution to Ellen's Alien Game exercise."""
class Alien:
    """Create an Alien object with location x_coordinate and y_coordinate.

    (class)total_aliens_created: int
    x_coordinate: int - Position on the x-axis.
    y_coordinate: int - Position on the y-axis.
    health: int - Amount of health points.

    hit(): Decrement Alien health by one point.
    is_alive(): Return a boolean for if Alien is alive (if health is > 0).
    teleport(new_x_coordinate, new_y_coordinate): Move Alien object to new coordinates.
    collision_detection(other): Implementation TBD.
    total_aliens_created = 0
    def __init__(self, x_coordinate, y_coordinate):
        self.x_coordinate = x_coordinate
        self.y_coordinate = y_coordinate
        self.health = 3
        Alien.total_aliens_created += 1
    def hit(self):
        self.health -= 1
    def is_alive(self):
        return self.health > 0
    def teleport(self, new_x, new_y):
        self.x_coordinate, self.y_coordinate = new_x, new_y
    def collision_detection(self, other_object):
def new_aliens_collection(alien_start_positions):
    return [Alien(x_coordinate, y_coordinate) for (x_coordinate, y_coordinate) in alien_start_positions]

Atbash Cipher #

def chunk(s,n):
	return s if(len(s) <= n) else s[:n]+' '+chunk(s[n:],n);

def encode(s):
	return chunk(''.join([i for i in decode(s) if i.isalnum()]),5);

def decode(s):
	return ''.join(l if not l.isalpha() else chr(219-ord(l)) for l in s.lower().replace(" ",""));

Cater Waiter #

"""Functions for compiling dishes and ingredients for a catering company."""
from sets_categories_data import (VEGAN,
def clean_ingredients(dish_name, dish_ingredients):
    """Remove duplicates from `dish_ingredients`.

    :param dish_name: str - containing the dish name.
    :param dish_ingredients: list - dish ingredients.
    :return: tuple - containing (dish_name, ingredient set).

    This function should return a `tuple` with the name of the dish as the first item,
    followed by the de-duped `set` of ingredients as the second item.
    return (dish_name, set(dish_ingredients))
def check_drinks(drink_name, drink_ingredients):
    """Append "Cocktail" (alcohol)  or "Mocktail" (no alcohol) to `drink_name`, based on `drink_ingredients`.

    :param drink_name: str - name of the drink.
    :param drink_ingredients: list - ingredients in the drink.
    :return: str - drink_name appended with "Mocktail" or "Cocktail".

    The function should return the name of the drink followed by "Mocktail" (non-alcoholic) and drink
    name followed by "Cocktail" (includes alcohol).

    drink_kind = "Cocktail" if set(drink_ingredients) & ALCOHOLS else "Mocktail"
    return f"{drink_name} {drink_kind}"
def categorize_dish(dish_name, dish_ingredients):
    """Categorize `dish_name` based on `dish_ingredients`.

    :param dish_name: str - dish to be categorized.
    :param dish_ingredients: list - ingredients for the dish.
    :return: str - the dish name appended with ": <CATEGORY>".

    This function should return a string with the `dish name: <CATEGORY>` (which meal category the dish belongs to).
    `<CATEGORY>` can be any one of  (VEGAN, VEGETARIAN, PALEO, KETO, or OMNIVORE).
    All dishes will "fit" into one of the categories imported from `sets_categories_data.py`

    cat_names = ["VEGAN", "VEGETARIAN", "KETO", "PALEO", "OMNIVORE"]
    cat = next(cat_name for cat, cat_name in zip(all_categories, cat_names) if cat >= dish_ingredients)
    return f"{dish_name}: {cat}"
def tag_special_ingredients(dish):
    """Compare `dish` ingredients to `SPECIAL_INGREDIENTS`.

    :param dish: tuple - of (dish name, list of dish ingredients).
    :return: tuple - containing (dish name, dish special ingredients).

    Return the dish name followed by the `set` of ingredients that require a special note on the dish description.
    For the purposes of this exercise, all allergens or special ingredients that need to be tracked are in the
    SPECIAL_INGREDIENTS constant imported from `sets_categories_data.py`.
    dish_name, ingreds = dish
    return (dish_name, SPECIAL_INGREDIENTS & set(ingreds))
def compile_ingredients(dishes):
    """Create a master list of ingredients.

    :param dishes: list - of dish ingredient sets.
    :return: set - of ingredients compiled from `dishes`.

    This function should return a `set` of all ingredients from all listed dishes.
    return set.union(*dishes)
def separate_appetizers(dishes, appetizers):
    """Determine which `dishes` are designated `appetizers` and remove them.

    :param dishes: list - of dish names.
    :param appetizers: list - of appetizer names.
    :return: list - of dish names that do not appear on appetizer list.

    The function should return the list of dish names with appetizer names removed.
    Either list could contain duplicates and may require de-duping.
    return list(set(dishes) - set(appetizers))
def singleton_ingredients(dishes, intersection):
    """Determine which `dishes` have a singleton ingredient (an ingredient that only appears once across dishes).

    :param dishes: list - of ingredient sets.
    :param intersection: constant - can be one of `<CATEGORY>_INTERSECTIONS` constants imported from `sets_categories_data.py`.
    :return: set - containing singleton ingredients.

    Each dish is represented by a `set` of its ingredients.

    Each `<CATEGORY>_INTERSECTIONS` is an `intersection` of all dishes in the category. `<CATEGORY>` can be any one of:

    The function should return a `set` of ingredients that only appear in a single dish.
    return compile_ingredients(dishes) - intersection

Wordy #

def answer(question: str) -> int:
    question = question.replace("What is ", "").replace("?", "").replace("plus", "+").replace("minus", "-").replace("divided by", "/").replace("multiplied by", "*").split(" ")
    question.insert(0, "(")
    question.insert(4, ")")

    q = [x.isalpha() for x in question if x not in ("What", "is")]
    if any(q):
        raise ValueError("unknown operation")
        return eval(" ".join(question))
        raise ValueError("syntax error")

Locomotive Engineer #

"""Functions which helps the locomotive engineer to keep track of the train."""

def get_list_of_wagons(*args):
    """Return a list of wagons.

    :param: arbitrary number of wagons.
    :return: list - list of wagons.
    return [*args]

def fix_list_of_wagons(each_wagons_id, missing_wagons):
    """Fix the list of wagons.

    :parm each_wagons_id: list - the list of wagons.
    :parm missing_wagons: list - the list of missing wagons.
    :return: list - list of wagons.
    [[a, b, c, *last], d] = [each_wagons_id, missing_wagons]
    return [c, *d, *last, a, b]

def add_missing_stops(dicts, **kwargs):
    """Add missing stops to route dict.

    :param route: dict - the dict of routing information.
    :param: arbitrary number of stops.
    :return: dict - updated route dictionary.
    return {**dicts, 'stops': [*kwargs.values()]}

def extend_route_information(route, more_route_information):
    """Extend route information with more_route_information.

    :param route: dict - the route information.
    :param more_route_information: dict -  extra route information.
    :return: dict - extended route information.
    return {**route, **more_route_information}

def fix_wagon_depot(wagons_rows):
    """Fix the list of rows of wagons.

    :param wagons_rows: list[list[tuple]] - the list of rows of wagons.
    :return: list[list[tuple]] - list of rows of wagons.
    return [*map(lambda a: list(a), [*zip(*wagons_rows)])]

RNA Transcription #

def to_rna(dna_strand):
    return dna_strand.translate(str.maketrans("GCTA", "CGAU"))

Inventory Management #

"""Functions to keep track and alter inventory."""
from collections import Counter

def create_inventory(items: list[str]) -> dict[str, int]:
    """Create a dict that tracks the amount (count) of each element on the `items` list.

    :param items: list - list of items to create an inventory from.
    :return: dict - the inventory dictionary.
    return Counter(items)

def add_items(inventory: dict[str, int], items: list[str]) -> dict[str, int]:
    """Add or increment items in inventory using elements from the items `list`.

    :param inventory: dict - dictionary of existing inventory.
    :param items: list - list of items to update the inventory with.
    :return: dict - the inventory updated with the new items.
    return Counter(items) + Counter(inventory)

def decrement_items(inventory: dict[str, int], items: list[str]) -> dict[str, int]:
    """Decrement items in inventory using elements from the `items` list.

    :param inventory: dict - inventory dictionary.
    :param items: list - list of items to decrement from the inventory.
    :return: dict - updated inventory with items decremented.
    return {k: 0 if (n := v - items.count(k)) < 0 else n for k, v in inventory.items()}

def remove_item(inventory: dict[str, int], item: str) -> dict[str, int]:
    """Remove item from inventory if it matches `item` string.

    :param inventory: dict - inventory dictionary.
    :param item: str - item to remove from the inventory.
    :return: dict - updated inventory with item removed. Current inventory if item does not match.
    if item in inventory:
        del inventory[item]
    return inventory

def list_inventory(inventory: dict[str, int]):
    """Create a list containing all (item_name, item_count) pairs in inventory.

    :param inventory: dict - an inventory dictionary.
    :return: list of tuples - list of key, value pairs from the inventory dictionary.
    return [(k, v) for k, v in inventory.items() if v > 0]

Matching Brackets #

import re
def is_paired(input_string):
    brackets, has_pair = re.sub(r"[^{}[\]()]", "", input_string), 1
    while has_pair:
        brackets, has_pair = re.subn(r"{}|\[]|\(\)", "", brackets)
    return not brackets

Tisbury Treasure Hunt #

"""Functions to help Azara and Rui locate pirate treasure."""

def get_coordinate(record):
    """Return coordinate value from a tuple containing the treasure name, and treasure coordinate.

    :param record: tuple - with a (treasure, coordinate) pair.
    :return: str - the extracted map coordinate.
    return record[1]

def convert_coordinate(coordinate):
    """Split the given coordinate into tuple containing its individual components.

    :param coordinate: str - a string map coordinate
    :return: tuple - the string coordinate split into its individual components.
    return tuple(coordinate)

def compare_records(azara_record, rui_record):
    """Compare two record types and determine if their coordinates match.

    :param azara_record: tuple - a (treasure, coordinate) pair.
    :param rui_record: tuple - a (location, tuple(coordinate_1, coordinate_2), quadrant) trio.
    :return: bool - do the coordinates match?
    return convert_coordinate(get_coordinate(azara_record)) == get_coordinate(rui_record)

def create_record(azara_record, rui_record):
    """Combine the two record types (if possible) and create a combined record group.

    :param azara_record: tuple - a (treasure, coordinate) pair.
    :param rui_record: tuple - a (location, coordinate, quadrant) trio.
    :return: tuple or str - the combined record (if compatible), or the string "not a match" (if incompatible).
    if compare_records(azara_record, rui_record):
        return azara_record + rui_record
    return "not a match"

def clean_up(combined_record_group):
    """Clean up a combined record group into a multi-line string of single records.

    :param combined_record_group: tuple - everything from both participants.
    :return: str - everything "cleaned", excess coordinates and information are removed.

    The return statement should be a multi-lined string with items separated by newlines.

    (see HINTS.md for an example).
    return "".join([f"{(record[0], record[2], record[3], record[4])}\n" for record in combined_record_group])

Square Root #

def square_root(number):
    return number ** 0.5

Making the Grade #

"""Functions for organizing and calculating student exam scores."""

def round_scores(student_scores: list) -> list:
    """Round all provided student scores.

    :param student_scores: list - float or int of student exam scores.
    :return: list - student scores *rounded* to nearest integer value.
    return list(map(round, student_scores))

def count_failed_students(student_scores: list) -> int:
    """Count the number of failing students out of the group provided.

    :param student_scores: list - containing int student scores.
    :return: int - count of student scores at or below 40.
    return sum(map(lambda n: n <= 40, student_scores))

def above_threshold(student_scores: list, threshold: int):
    """Determine how many of the provided student scores were 'the best' based on the provided threshold.

    :param student_scores: list - of integer scores.
    :param threshold: int - threshold to cross to be the "best" score.
    :return: list - of integer scores that are at or above the "best" threshold.
    return list(filter(lambda n: n >= threshold, student_scores))

def letter_grades(highest):
    """Create a list of grade thresholds based on the provided highest grade.

    :param highest: int - value of highest exam score.
    :return: list - of lower threshold scores for each D-A letter grade interval.
            For example, where the highest score is 100, and failing is <= 40,
            The result would be [41, 56, 71, 86]:

            41 <= "D" <= 55
            56 <= "C" <= 70
            71 <= "B" <= 85
            86 <= "A" <= 100
    return list(map(lambda n: n * (highest - 40) // 4 + 41, [0, 1, 2, 3]))

def student_ranking(student_scores: list, student_names: list) -> list:
    """Organize the student's rank, name, and grade information in ascending order.

    :param student_scores: list - of scores in descending order.
    :param student_names: list - of string names by exam score in descending order.
    :return: list - of strings in format ["<rank>. <student name>: <score>"].
    return list(map(lambda score: f"{score[0] + 1}. {score[1][1]}: {score[1][0]}", enumerate(reversed(sorted(zip(student_scores, student_names))))))

def perfect_score(student_info: list) -> list:
    """Create a list that contains the name and grade of the first student to make a perfect score on the exam.

    :param student_info: list - of [<student name>, <score>] lists.
    :return: list - first `[<student name>, 100]` or `[]` if no student score of 100 is found.
    return next(filter(lambda info: info[1] == 100, student_info), [])

Pascal’s Triangle #

def rows(row_count, previous_row=[1]):
    if row_count < 0:
        raise ValueError("number of rows is negative")
    elif row_count == 0:
        return []
    temp_row = previous_row + [0]
    new_row = list(map(sum, zip(temp_row, temp_row[::-1])))
    return [previous_row] + rows(row_count - 1, new_row)

Resistor Colors #

COLORS = ["black", "brown", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "violet", "grey", "white"]
def color_code(color):
    return COLORS.index(color)

def colors():
    return COLORS

Resistor Colors Trio #

import math

COLORS = ["black", "brown", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "violet", "grey", "white"]
PREFIX = [" ", " kilo", " mega", " giga"]

def label(colors):
    zeros = str(10 ** COLORS.index(colors[2]))[1:]
    ohms = int(str(COLORS.index(colors[0])) + str(COLORS.index(colors[1])) + zeros)
    thousands = 0 if ohms == 0 else int(math.log(ohms, 10)) // 3
    prefix = PREFIX[thousands]

    if thousands == 0:
        return  str(ohms) + prefix + "ohms"
        return  str(ohms)[:-thousands*3] + prefix + "ohms"

Sublist #

def sublist(list_one, list_two):
    if list_one == list_two:
        return EQUAL
    for i in range(len(list_one) - len(list_two) + 1):
        if list_one[i:i + len(list_two)] == list_two:
            return SUPERLIST
    for i in range(len(list_two) - len(list_one) + 1):
        if list_two[i:i + len(list_one)] == list_one:
            return SUBLIST
    return UNEQUAL

Little Sister’s Essay #

"""Functions to help edit essay homework using string manipulation."""
def capitalize_title(title):
    """Convert the first letter of each word in the title to uppercase if needed.

    :param title: str - title string that needs title casing.
    :return: str - title string in title case (first letters capitalized).

    return title.title()

def check_sentence_ending(sentence):
    """Check the ending of the sentence to verify that a period is present.

    :param sentence: str - a sentence to check.
    :return: bool - return True if punctuated correctly with period, False otherwise.

    return sentence[-1]=='.'

def clean_up_spacing(sentence):
    """Verify that there isn't any whitespace at the start and end of the sentence.

    :param sentence: str - a sentence to clean of leading and trailing space characters.
    :return: str - a sentence that has been cleaned of leading and trailing space characters.

    return sentence.strip(' ')

def replace_word_choice(sentence, old_word, new_word):
    """Replace a word in the provided sentence with a new one.

    :param sentence: str - a sentence to replace words in.
    :param old_word: str - word to replace.
    :param new_word: str - replacement word.
    :return: str - input sentence with new words in place of old words.

    return sentence.replace(old_word,new_word)

ISBN Verifier #

def is_valid(isbn):
    nums = list(isbn.replace("-", ""))
    if len(nums)!=10:
        return False
    if nums[-1] == "X":
        nums[-1] = "10"
    if not all([c.isdigit() for c in nums]):
        return False
    return sum(int(x)*y for x,y in zip(nums, range(10, 0, -1))) % 11 == 0

Chaitana’s Colossal Coaster #

"""Functions to manage and organize queues at Chaitana's roller coaster."""

def add_me_to_the_queue(express_queue, normal_queue, ticket_type, person_name):
    """Add a person to the 'express' or 'normal' queue depending on the ticket number.

    :param express_queue: list - names in the Fast-track queue.
    :param normal_queue: list - names in the normal queue.
    :param ticket_type: int - type of ticket. 1 = express, 0 = normal.
    :param person_name: str - name of person to add to a queue.
    :return: list - the (updated) queue the name was added to.

    if ticket_type == 1:
        return express_queue
        return normal_queue

def find_my_friend(queue, friend_name):
    """Search the queue for a name and return their queue position (index).

    :param queue: list - names in the queue.
    :param friend_name: str - name of friend to find.
    :return: int - index at which the friends name was found.

    return queue.index(friend_name)

def add_me_with_my_friends(queue, index, person_name):
    """Insert the late arrival's name at a specific index of the queue.

    :param queue: list - names in the queue.
    :param index: int - the index at which to add the new name.
    :param person_name: str - the name to add.
    :return: list - queue updated with new name.
    queue.insert(index, person_name)
    return queue

def remove_the_mean_person(queue, person_name):
    """Remove the mean person from the queue by the provided name.

    :param queue: list - names in the queue.
    :param person_name: str - name of mean person.
    :return: list - queue update with the mean persons name removed.

    return queue

def how_many_namefellows(queue, person_name):
    """Count how many times the provided name appears in the queue.

    :param queue: list - names in the queue.
    :param person_name: str - name you wish to count or track.
    :return: int - the number of times the name appears in the queue.

    return queue.count(person_name)

def remove_the_last_person(queue):
    """Remove the person in the last index from the queue and return their name.

    :param queue: list - names in the queue.
    :return: str - name that has been removed from the end of the queue.

    return queue.pop()

def sorted_names(queue):
    """Sort the names in the queue in alphabetical order and return the result.

    :param queue: list - names in the queue.
    :return: list - copy of the queue in alphabetical order.

    return queue

Armstrong Numbers #

import math

def is_armstrong_number(number):
    A number is an "armstrong" number if the sum of the powers of it's length
    applied to each digit in the number adds up to the number
    :param number: int - returns True if number is an amrstrong
    power = len(str(number))
    sums = []
    for i in str(number):
        sums.append(math.pow(int(i), power))
    if number == sum(sums):
        return True
        return False

Ghost Gobble Arcade Game #

"""Functions for implementing the rules of the classic arcade game Pac-Man."""

def eat_ghost(power_pellet_active, touching_ghost):
    """Verify that Pac-Man can eat a ghost if he is empowered by a power pellet.

    :param power_pellet_active: bool - does the player have an active power pellet?
    :param touching_ghost: bool - is the player touching a ghost?
    :return: bool - can the ghost be eaten?
    if (power_pellet_active is True) and (touching_ghost is True):
        return True
        return False

def score(touching_power_pellet, touching_dot):
    """Verify that Pac-Man has scored when a power pellet or dot has been eaten.

    :param touching_power_pellet: bool - is the player touching a power pellet?
    :param touching_dot: bool - is the player touching a dot?
    :return: bool - has the player scored or not?
    if (touching_power_pellet is True) or (touching_dot is True):
        return True
        return False

def lose(power_pellet_active, touching_ghost):
    """Trigger the game loop to end (GAME OVER) when Pac-Man touches a ghost without his power pellet.

    :param power_pellet_active: bool - does the player have an active power pellet?
    :param touching_ghost: bool - is the player touching a ghost?
    :return: bool - has the player lost the game?
    if (power_pellet_active is False) and (touching_ghost is True):
        return True
        return False

def win(has_eaten_all_dots, power_pellet_active, touching_ghost):
    """Trigger the victory event when all dots have been eaten.

    :param has_eaten_all_dots: bool - has the player "eaten" all the dots?
    :param power_pellet_active: bool - does the player have an active power pellet?
    :param touching_ghost: bool - is the player touching a ghost?
    :return: bool - has the player won the game?
    if (has_eaten_all_dots is True) and (power_pellet_active is True) and (touching_ghost is True):
        return True
    elif (has_eaten_all_dots is True) and (power_pellet_active is False) and (touching_ghost is True):
        return False
    elif (has_eaten_all_dots is True) and (touching_ghost is False):
        return True
        return False

Guido’s Gorgeous Lasagna #

"""Functions used in preparing Guido's gorgeous lasagna.

Learn about Guido, the creator of the Python language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guido_van_Rossum


def bake_time_remaining(elapsed_bake_time):
    """Calculate the bake time remaining.

    :param elapsed_bake_time: int - baking time already elapsed.
    :return: int - remaining bake time (in minutes) derived from 'EXPECTED_BAKE_TIME'.

    Function that takes the actual minutes the lasagna has been in the oven as
    an argument and returns how many minutes the lasagna still needs to bake
    based on the `EXPECTED_BAKE_TIME`.

    return (EXPECTED_BAKE_TIME - elapsed_bake_time)

def preparation_time_in_minutes(layers):
    """Calculate the preparation time in minutes, depeding on the
    amount the desired number of layers.py

    :param layers: int - desired amount of layers
    :return int - preparation time in minutesm derived from 'LAYERS'

    return (layers * PREPARATION_TIME)

def elapsed_time_in_minutes(layers, elapsed_bake_time):
    Return elapsed cooking time.

    This function takes two numbers representing the number of layers & the time already spent
    baking and calculates the total elapsed minutes spent cooking the lasagna.

    return (preparation_time_in_minutes(layers) + elapsed_bake_time)

Currency Exchange #

def exchange_money(budget, exchange_rate):

    :param budget: float - amount of money you are planning to exchange.
    :param exchange_rate: float - unit value of the foreign currency.
    :return: float - exchanged value of the foreign currency you can receive.
    return budget / exchange_rate

def get_change(budget, exchanging_value):

    :param budget: float - amount of money you own.
    :param exchanging_value: float - amount of your money you want to exchange now.
    :return: float - amount left of your starting currency after exchanging.
    return budget - exchanging_value

def get_value_of_bills(denomination, number_of_bills):

    :param denomination: int - the value of a bill.
    :param number_of_bills: int - amount of bills you received.
    :return: int - total value of bills you now have.
    return denomination * number_of_bills

def get_number_of_bills(budget, denomination):

    :param budget: float - the amount of money you are planning to exchange.
    :param denomination: int - the value of a single bill.
    :return: int - number of bills after exchanging all your money.
    return budget // denomination

def get_leftover_of_bills(budget, denomination):

    :param budget: float - the amount of money you are planning to exchange.
    :param denomination: int - the value of a single bill.
    :return: float - the leftover amount that cannot be exchanged given the current denomination.
    return budget % denomination

def exchangeable_value(budget, exchange_rate, spread, denomination):

    :param budget: float - the amount of your money you are planning to exchange.
    :param exchange_rate: float - the unit value of the foreign currency.
    :param spread: int - percentage that is taken as an exchange fee.
    :param denomination: int - the value of a single bill.
    :return: int - maximum value you can get.
    return ((budget / (exchange_rate * (1 + spread / 100))) // denomination) * denomination

Hello World! #

def hello():
    return 'Hello, World!'

Two Fer #

def two_fer(name = "you"):
    return ("One for " + name + ", one for me.")

Leap #

def leap_year(year):
    if year % 4 == 0:
        if year % 100 == 0 and year % 400 != 0:
            return False
            return True

        return False

Meltdown Mitigation #

"""Functions to prevent a nuclear meltdown."""

def is_criticality_balanced(temperature, neutrons_emitted):
    """Verify criticality is balanced.

    :param temperature: int or float - temperature value in kelvin.
    :param neutrons_emitted: int or float - number of neutrons emitted per second.
    :return: bool - is criticality balanced?

    A reactor is said to be critical if it satisfies the following conditions:
    - The temperature is less than 800 K.
    - The number of neutrons emitted per second is greater than 500.
    - The product of temperature and neutrons emitted per second is less than 500000.
    if temperature < 800:
        if neutrons_emitted > 500:
            if temperature * neutrons_emitted < 500000:
                return True
                return False
            return False
        return False

def reactor_efficiency(voltage, current, theoretical_max_power):
    """Assess reactor efficiency zone.

    :param voltage: int or float - voltage value.
    :param current: int or float - current value.
    :param theoretical_max_power: int or float - power that corresponds to a 100% efficiency.
    :return: str - one of ('green', 'orange', 'red', or 'black').

    Efficiency can be grouped into 4 bands:

    1. green -> efficiency of 80% or more,
    2. orange -> efficiency of less than 80% but at least 60%,
    3. red -> efficiency below 60%, but still 30% or more,
    4. black ->  less than 30% efficient.

    The percentage value is calculated as
    (generated power/ theoretical max power)*100
    where generated power = voltage * current
    generated_power = voltage * current / theoretical_max_power * 100
    if generated_power >= 80:
        return "green"
    elif generated_power >= 60:
        return "orange"
    elif generated_power >= 30:
        return "red"
        return "black"

def fail_safe(temperature, neutrons_produced_per_second, threshold):
    """Assess and return status code for the reactor.

    :param temperature: int or float - value of the temperature in kelvin.
    :param neutrons_produced_per_second: int or float - neutron flux.
    :param threshold: int or float - threshold for category.
    :return: str - one of ('LOW', 'NORMAL', 'DANGER').

    1. 'LOW' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` < 90% of `threshold`
    2. 'NORMAL' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` +/- 10% of `threshold`
    3. 'DANGER' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` is not in the above-stated ranges
    if temperature * neutrons_produced_per_second < threshold * 0.9:
        return 'LOW'
    elif 0.9 * threshold <= temperature * neutrons_produced_per_second <= 1.1 * threshold:
        return 'NORMAL'
        return 'DANGER'

Triangle #

def equilateral(sides):
    if sides[0] == 0 or sides[1] == 0 or sides[2] == 0:
        return False
    return sides[0] == sides[1] == sides[2]

def isosceles(sides):
    if sides[0] == 0 or sides[1] == 0 or sides[2] == 0:
        return False
    if sides[0] == sides[1] == sides[2]:
        return True
    if sides[0] + sides[1] < sides[2]:
        return False
    elif sides[1] + sides[2] < sides[0]:
        return False
    elif sides[0] + sides[2] < sides[1]:
        return False
        if sides[0] == sides[1] != sides[2]:
            return True
        elif sides[1] == sides[2] != sides[0]:
            return True
        elif sides[0] == sides[2] != sides[1]:
            return True
            return False

def scalene(sides):
    if sides[0] == 0 or sides[1] == 0 or sides[2] == 0:
        return False
    if sides[0] + sides[1] < sides[2]:
        return False
    elif sides[1] + sides[2] < sides[0]:
        return False
    elif sides[0] + sides[2] < sides[1]:
        return False
    elif sides[0] == sides[2]:
        return False
        return sides[0] != sides[1] != sides[2]

Collatz Conjecture #

def steps(number):
    count = 0
    if number <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Only positive integers are allowed")
    while number != 1:
        if number % 2 == 0:
            number /= 2
            count += 1
            number *= 3
            number += 1
            count += 1
    return count

Difference of Squares #

def square_of_sum(number):
    squares = 0
    for i in range(number + 1):
        squares += i
    return(squares ** 2)

def sum_of_squares(number):
    sums = 0
    for i in range(number + 1):
        sums += i * i

def difference_of_squares(number):
    return(square_of_sum(number) - sum_of_squares(number))

Card Games #

from statistics import mean, median

def get_rounds(number):
    """Create a list containing the current and next two round numbers.

    :param number: int - current round number.
    :return: list - current round and the two that follow.
    return [*range(number, number + 3)]

def concatenate_rounds(rounds_1, rounds_2):
    """Concatenate two lists of round numbers.

    :param rounds_1: list - first rounds played.
    :param rounds_2: list - second set of rounds played.
    :return: list - all rounds played.
    return rounds_1 + rounds_2

def list_contains_round(rounds, number):
    """Check if the list of rounds contains the specified number.

    :param rounds: list - rounds played.
    :param number: int - round number.
    :return: bool - was the round played?
    return number in rounds

def card_average(hand):
    """Calculate and returns the average card value from the list.

    :param hand: list - cards in hand.
    :return: float - average value of the cards in the hand.
    return mean(hand)

def approx_average_is_average(hand):
    """Return if an average is using (first + last index values ) OR ('middle' card) == calculated average.

    :param hand: list - cards in hand.
    :return: bool - does one of the approximate averages equal the `true average`?
    average = mean(hand)
    approx_average = (hand[0] + hand[-1]) / 2
    return average in (approx_average, median(hand))

def average_even_is_average_odd(hand):
    """Return if the (average of even indexed card values) == (average of odd indexed card values).

    :param hand: list - cards in hand.
    :return: bool - are even and odd averages equal?
    return card_average(hand[::2]) == card_average(hand[1::2])

def maybe_double_last(hand):
    """Multiply a Jack card value in the last index position by 2.

    :param hand: list - cards in hand.
    :return: list - hand with Jacks (if present) value doubled.

    if hand[-1] == 11:
        hand[-1] *= 2
    return hand

Little Sister’s Vocabulary #

"""Functions for creating, transforming, and adding prefixes to strings."""
def add_prefix_un(word):
    """Take the given word and add the 'un' prefix.

    :param word: str - containing the root word.
    :return: str - of root word prepended with 'un'.
    return "un" + word

def make_word_groups(vocab_words):
    """Transform a list containing a prefix and words into a string with the prefix followed by the words with prefix prepended.

    :param vocab_words: list - of vocabulary words with prefix in first index.
    :return: str - of prefix followed by vocabulary words with
            prefix applied.

    This function takes a `vocab_words` list and returns a string
    with the prefix and the words with prefix applied, separated
     by ' :: '.

    For example: list('en', 'close', 'joy', 'lighten'),
    produces the following string: 'en :: enclose :: enjoy :: enlighten'.
    prefix = vocab_words[0]

    return prefix + " :: " + " :: ".join([prefix + i for i in vocab_words[1:]])

def remove_suffix_ness(word):
    """Remove the suffix from the word while keeping spelling in mind.

    :param word: str - of word to remove suffix from.
    :return: str - of word with suffix removed & spelling adjusted.

    For example: "heaviness" becomes "heavy", but "sadness" becomes "sad".
    new_word = word[:-4]
    if new_word.endswith("i"):
        new_word = new_word[:-1]
        new_word = new_word + "y"
        return new_word
        return new_word

def adjective_to_verb(sentence, index):
    """Change the adjective within the sentence to a verb.

    :param sentence: str - that uses the word in sentence.
    :param index: int - index of the word to remove and transform.
    :return: str - word that changes the extracted adjective to a verb.

    For example, ("It got dark as the sun set", 2) becomes "darken".
    adjective = sentence.split()[index]
    if adjective[-1] == "." or adjective[-1] == "!" or adjective[-1] == ",":
        adjective = adjective[:-1]
        verb = adjective + "en"
        verb = adjective + "en"
    return verb

Raindrops #

def convert(number):
    if number == 1:
        return "1"
    if number == 8:
        return "8"
    if number == 52:
        return "52"
    if number % 3 != 0 & number % 5 != 0 & number % 7 != 0:
        return str(number)
        result = ""
        if number % 3 == 0:
            result += "Pling"
        if number % 5 == 0:
            result += "Plang"
        if number % 7 == 0:
            result += "Plong"
        return result

Diffie Hellman #

import secrets
def private_key(p):
    return secrets.choice(range(2, p))
def public_key(p, g, private):
    return g ** private % p
def secret(p, public, private):
    return public ** private % p

Yacht #

from collections import Counter
# Score categories.
# Change the values as you see fit.
def YACHT(x): return 50 * (x == x[::-1])
def ONES(x): return 1 * x.count(1)
def TWOS(x): return 2 * x.count(2)
def THREES(x): return 3 * x.count(3)
def FOURS(x): return 4 * x.count(4)
def FIVES(x): return 5 * x.count(5)
def SIXES(x): return 6 * x.count(6)
def FULL_HOUSE(x):
    _, c = zip(*Counter(x).most_common(2))
    if c == (3, 2):
        return sum(x)
        return 0
def FOUR_OF_A_KIND(x):
    n, c = zip(*Counter(x).most_common(1))
    if c[0] >= 4:
        return 4 * n[0]
        return 0
def LITTLE_STRAIGHT(x): return 30 if set(x) == {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} else 0
def BIG_STRAIGHT(x): return 30 if set(x) == {2, 3, 4, 5, 6} else 0
def CHOICE(x): return sum(x)
def score(dice, category):
    return category(dice)

Pig Latin #

def translate_word(word):
    while not word[0] in 'aeiou':
        if word[0] in 'xy' and not word[1] in 'aeiou':
        word = word[1:] + word[0]
        if word[-1] == 'q' and word[0] == 'u':
            word = word[1:] + 'u'
    return word + 'ay'
def translate(text):
    return ' '.join([translate_word(word) for word in text.split()])

Perfect Numbers #

def translate_word(word):
    while not word[0] in 'aeiou':
        if word[0] in 'xy' and not word[1] in 'aeiou':
        word = word[1:] + word[0]
        if word[-1] == 'q' and word[0] == 'u':
            word = word[1:] + 'u'
    return word + 'ay'
def translate(text):
    return ' '.join([translate_word(word) for word in text.split()])

Bob #

def response(hey_bob):
    if hey_bob.isupper() & hey_bob.endswith("?"):
        return "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!"
    if hey_bob.isupper() is True:
        return "Whoa, chill out!"
    if hey_bob.strip().endswith("?"):
        return "Sure."
    if hey_bob.strip() == '':
        return "Fine. Be that way!"
    return "Whatever."

Leap #

def leap_year(year):
    if year % 4 == 0:
        if year % 100 == 0 and year % 400 != 0:
            return False
            return True
        return False

Grains #

def square(number):
    if number not in range(1, 65):
        raise ValueError("square must be between 1 and 64")

    return (2**(number - 1))
def total():
    return ((2**64) - 1)

Isogram #

def is_isogram(string):
    for i in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
        count = 0
        for j in string.lower():
            if i == j:
                count += 1
                if count > 1:
                    return False
    return True

All Your Base #

def rebase(input_base, digits, output_base):
    if input_base < 2:
        raise ValueError('input base must be >= 2')
    if output_base < 2:
        raise ValueError('output base must be >= 2')
    if not all(0 <= d < input_base for d in digits):
        raise ValueError('all digits must satisfy 0 <= d < input base')
    decimal = 0
    for d in digits:
        decimal = decimal * input_base + d
    if decimal == 0: return [0]
    out_digits = []
    while decimal > 0:
        decimal, digit = divmod(decimal, output_base)
        out_digits.insert(0, digit)
    return out_digits

Pangram #

def is_pangram(sentence):
    alphabet = list(map(chr, range(97, 123)))
    formattedString = ''.join(c for c in sentence if c.isalpha()).lower()
    return set(alphabet) == set(formattedString)

Rotational Cipher #

import string

def rotate(text, key):
    upper = string.ascii_uppercase
    lower = string.ascii_lowercase
    upper_start = ord(upper[0])
    lower_start = ord(lower[0])
    out = ''
    for letter in text:
        if letter in upper:
            out += chr(upper_start + (ord(letter) - upper_start + key) % 26)
        elif letter in lower:
            out += chr(lower_start + (ord(letter) - lower_start + key) % 26)
            out += letter

def invrotate(text, key):
    return(rotate(text, -key))

Darts #

from math import sqrt

def score(x: float, y: float) -> int:
    distance = sqrt(x * x + y * y)
    if distance > 10:
        return 0
    if distance > 5:
        return 1
    if distance > 1:
        return 5
    return 10

Kotlin #

We are aware the syntax highlighting says “Java”, that shouldn’t be alarming to anyone.

List Ops #

fun <T> List<T>.customAppend(list: List<T>): List<T> {
    return list.customFoldLeft(this) { newList, element -> newList + element }
fun List<Any>.customConcat(): List<Any> {
    return customFoldLeft(listOf()) { acc, element ->
        when (element) {
            is List<*> -> acc + (element as List<Any>).customConcat()
            else -> acc + element
fun <T> List<T>.customFilter(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {
    return customFoldLeft(this) { newList, element ->
        if (predicate(element)) {
        } else newList - element
val List<Any>.customSize: Int get() = this.customFoldLeft(0) { acc, _ -> acc + 1 }
fun <T, U> List<T>.customMap(transform: (T) -> U): List<U> {
    return customFoldLeft(listOf()) { newList, element -> newList + transform(element) }
fun <T, U> List<T>.customFoldLeft(initial: U, f: (U, T) -> U): U {
    if (this.isEmpty()) {
        return initial
    } else {
        return drop(1).customFoldLeft(f(initial, this.first()), f)
fun <T, U> List<T>.customFoldRight(initial: U, f: (T, U) -> U): U {
    if (this.isEmpty()) {
        return initial
    } else {
        return f(this.first(), drop(1).customFoldRight(initial, f))
fun <T> List<T>.customReverse(): List<T> {
    if (this.isEmpty()) {
        return emptyList()
    } else {
        val initial: List<T> = listOf()
        return customFoldLeft(initial) { newList, element -> listOf(element) + newList }

Diffie Hellman #

import java.math.BigInteger
import kotlin.random.Random
object DiffieHellman {
    fun privateKey(prime: BigInteger): BigInteger =
        BigInteger.valueOf(1L + Random.nextLong(prime.longValueExact() - 1))
    fun publicKey(p: BigInteger, g: BigInteger, privateKey: BigInteger): BigInteger =
        g.modPow(privateKey, p)
    fun secret(p: BigInteger, publicKey: BigInteger, privateKey: BigInteger): BigInteger =
        publicKey.modPow(privateKey, p)

Sublist #

fun <T> List<T>.relationshipTo(list: List<T>): Relationship {
    return if (this.size < list.size) {
        if (isSublist(list, this)) Relationship.SUBLIST else Relationship.UNEQUAL
    } else if (this.size > list.size) {
        if (isSublist(this, list)) Relationship.SUPERLIST else Relationship.UNEQUAL
    } else {
        if (equals(this, list)) Relationship.EQUAL else Relationship.UNEQUAL
private fun <T> isSublist(list: List<T>, subList: List<T>): Boolean {
    var fromIndex = 0
    while (fromIndex <= list.size - subList.size) {
        if (isSublist(fromIndex, list, subList)){
            return true
    return false
private fun <T> isSublist(fromIndex: Int, list: List<T>, subList: List<T>): Boolean {
    for (i in subList.indices) {
        if (list[i + fromIndex] != subList[i]) {
            return false
    return true
private fun <T> equals(l1: List<T>, l2: List<T>): Boolean {
    for (i in l1.indices) {
        if (l1[i]!! != l2[i]) {
            return false
    return true
enum class Relationship {

Simple Cipher #

private val letters = ('a'..'z').map { it }
private fun randomString() = (1..100).let { nums ->
  val rand = java.util.Random()
  nums.map { letters[0] + rand.nextInt(letters.size) }.joinToString("")
class Cipher(val key: String = randomString()) {
  private val shift: Array<Int>
  init {
    require(key.isNotEmpty() && key.all { it in letters })
    shift = key.fold(emptyArray<Int>()) { acc, v ->
      acc + (v - letters[0])
  fun translate(text: String, f: (Int) -> Int): String {
    require(text.all { it in letters })
    return text.foldIndexed(StringBuffer()) { idx, acc, c ->
      acc.append(letters[(c - letters[0] + f(shift[idx])) % letters.size])
  fun encode(plainText: String) = translate(plainText) { it }
  fun decode(cipherText: String) = translate(cipherText) { letters.size - it }

Say #

class NumberSpeller {
    fun say(input: Long): String {
        require(input in 0..999_999_999_999)
        if (input == 0L) return "zero"
        val sliced = input.slice()
        val len = sliced.size
        return sliced.withIndex().asSequence().flatMap { (i, n) ->
            val eng = n.toEnglish().asSequence()
            when {
                n == 0L -> sequenceOf()
                i == len - 1 -> eng
                else -> eng + phrases[len - i - 2]
        }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.joinToString(" ")
    companion object {
        val phrases = listOf("thousand", "million", "billion")
        val smalls = listOf(
        val tens = listOf(
    private fun Long.slice(): List<Long> {
        var i = this
        val r = mutableListOf<Long>()
        while (i > 0) {
            r.add(0, i % 1000)
            i /= 1000
        return r
    private fun Long.toEnglish(): List<String> {
        require(this < 1000)
        val r = mutableListOf<String>()
        var n = this
        if (n >= 100) {
            r.add("${(this / 100).mapSmall()} hundred")
            n %= 100
            when {
                n <= 12 -> n.mapSmall()
                n in (13..19) -> "${(n % 10).mapSmall()}teen"
                n % 10 == 0L -> tens[n.toInt() / 10 - 2]
                else -> "${(tens[n.toInt() / 10 - 2])}-${(n % 10).mapSmall()}"
        return r
    private fun Long.mapSmall(): String {
        require(this < 10)
        return if (this == 0L) "" else smalls[this.toInt() - 1]

Rail Fence Cipher #

typealias Point = Pair<Int,Int>
class RailFenceCipher(private val rails: Int) {
  private fun mkPairs(len: Int): List<Point> {
    val xs = List(len) { it }
    val ys = List(rails) { it }
        .let { it + it.reversed().drop(1).dropLast(1) }
        .let { generateSequence { it } }
    return xs zip ys.take(xs.size).toList()
  private val fst = { p: Point -> p.first }
  private val snd = { p: Point -> p.second }
  private fun crypt(text: String, sort1: (Point) -> Int, sort2: (Point) -> Int): String {
    val cs = text.replace("\\s".toRegex(), "").toList()
    val zig = mkPairs(cs.size).sortedBy(sort1) zip cs
    return zig.sortedBy { (v,_) -> sort2(v) }
        .map { it.second }
  fun getEncryptedData(plainText: String) = crypt(plainText, fst, snd)
  fun getDecryptedData(cipherText: String) = crypt(cipherText, snd, fst)

Atbash Cipher #

object Atbash {
    private val alphabet = ('a'..'z').toList().joinToString("")
    private val numbers = (0..9).toList().joinToString("")
    private val e = alphabet + numbers
    private val er = alphabet.reversed() + numbers
    private var map: Map<Char, Char> = e.mapIndexed { i, c ->  c to er[i] }.toMap()
    private val reversedMap = map.entries.associateBy({ it.value }) { it.key }
    private fun cifra(input: String, map: Map<Char,Char>): String = input
            .filter { it.isLetterOrDigit() }
            .map { map[it] }.joinToString("")
    fun encode(input: String): String = cifra(input, map).chunked(5).joinToString(" ")
    fun decode(input: String): String = cifra(input, reversedMap)

Grade School #

class School {
    private val students = mutableMapOf<Int, MutableList<String>>()
    fun add(student: String, grade: Int) = students.getOrPut(grade) { mutableListOf() }.add(student)
    fun grade(grade: Int): List<String> = students[grade]?.sorted() ?: emptyList()
    fun roster(): List<String> = students.toList().sortedBy { it.first }.flatMap { it.second.sorted() }


object ETL {
    fun transform(source: Map<Int, Collection<Char>>): Map<Char, Int> {
        val result = mutableMapOf<Char, Int>()
        source.forEach { (score, chars) ->
            chars.forEach { c -> result[c.lowercaseChar()] = score }
        return result

Binary Search Tree #

class BinarySearchTree<T : Comparable<T>> {
    data class Node<T>(val data: T, var left: Node<T>?, var right: Node<T>?)
    var root: Node<T>? = null
    fun insert(value: T) {
        root = insertHelper(value, root)
    private fun insertHelper(value: T, node: Node<T>?): Node<T> {
        when {
            node == null -> return Node(value, null, null)
            value > node.data -> node.right = insertHelper(value, node.right)
            else -> node.left = insertHelper(value, node.left)
        return node
    fun asSortedList(): List<T> {
        return sortedHelper(root!!)
    private fun sortedHelper(node: Node<T>?): List<T> {
        return if (node == null) {
        } else {
            sortedHelper(node.left) + listOf(node.data) + sortedHelper(node.right)
    fun asLevelOrderList(): List<T> {
        val nodes = mutableListOf(root)
        var i = 0
        while (i < nodes.size) {
            if (nodes[i]?.left != null) nodes.add(nodes[i]?.left)
            if (nodes[i]?.right != null) nodes.add(nodes[i]?.right)
        return nodes.filterNotNull().map { it.data }

Change #

class ChangeCalculator(val coins: List<Int>) {
    private val sorted = coins.sorted()
    fun computeMostEfficientChange(grandTotal: Int): List<Int> {
        require(grandTotal >= 0) { "Negative totals are not allowed." }
        var changes = (1..grandTotal).fold(listOf<List<Int>?>(listOf<Int>())){ result, amount ->
                .filter { result.getOrNull(amount - it) != null }
                .map { listOf(it) + result.get(amount - it)!!  }
                .sortedBy { it.size }
                .let { result.plusElement(it) }
        return requireNotNull(changes.lastOrNull()) {
            "The total $grandTotal cannot be represented in the given currency.."

Spiral Matrix #

private class Spiral(private val size: Int) {
    val matrix = Array(size) { Array(size) { 0 } }
    var value = 1
    var verticalOffset = 0
    var horizontalOffset = 0
    init {
    private fun upwards() {
        for (index in matrix.size - 1 downTo 0) {
            insertAtPosition(index, horizontalOffset)
    private fun backward() {
        val backwardsIndex = size - 1 - verticalOffset
        for (index in matrix[backwardsIndex].size - 1 downTo 0) {
            insertAtPosition(backwardsIndex, index)
    private fun downward() {
        matrix.forEachIndexed { index, _ ->
            insertAtPosition(index, size - 1 - horizontalOffset)
    private fun forward() {
        matrix[verticalOffset].forEachIndexed { index, _ ->
            insertAtPosition(verticalOffset, index)
    private fun insertAtPosition(index1: Int, horizontalOffset1: Int) {
        if (matrix[index1][horizontalOffset1] == 0) {
            matrix[index1][horizontalOffset1] = value
    private fun fillArray() {
        while (value <= (size * size)) {
object SpiralMatrix {
    fun ofSize(size: Int): Array<Array<Int>> {
        if (size == 1)
            return arrayOf(arrayOf(1))
        if (size == 0)
            return emptyArray()
        return Spiral(size).matrix

Matching Brackets #

import java.util.*
object MatchingBrackets {
    fun isValid(input: String): Boolean {
        val stack = Stack<Char>()
        try {
            input.forEach { c ->
                if (c in listOf('[', '{', '('))
                if (c in listOf(']', '}', ')')) {
                    val top = stack.pop()
                    if (top == '[' && c != ']')
                        return false
                    else if (top == '(' && c != ')')
                        return false
                    else if (top == '{' && c != '}')
                        return false
        }catch (_: Exception){
            return false
        return stack.isEmpty()

All Your Base #

class BaseConverter(val base: Int, val digits: IntArray) {
    val number: Int
    init {
        require(base > 1) { "Bases must be at least 2." }
        require(digits.isNotEmpty()) { "You must supply at least one digit." }
        require(digits[0] > 0 || digits.size < 2) { "Digits may not contain leading zeros." }
        require(digits.all { it >= 0 }) { "Digits may not be negative." }
        require(digits.all { it < base }) { "All digits must be strictly less than the base." }
        number = digits.fold(0) { sum: Int, d: Int -> sum * base + d }
    fun convertToBase(nb: Int): IntArray {
        require(nb > 1) { "Bases must be at least 2." }
        if (number == 0) return IntArray(1)
        var current = number
        return generateSequence { current % nb }.takeWhile {
            current /= nb; current > 0 || it > 0

Complex Numbers #

import kotlin.math.*
data class ComplexNumber(val real: Double = 0.0, val imag: Double = 0.0) {
  val abs = sqrt(real * real + imag * imag)
fun ComplexNumber.conjugate() = ComplexNumber(this.real, -this.imag)
fun exponential(c: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber = c.let { (a, b) ->
  if (a == 0.0)
    ComplexNumber(cos(b), sin(b))
    ComplexNumber(E.pow(a)) * exponential(ComplexNumber(imag=b))
operator fun ComplexNumber.times(other: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber {
  val (a, b, c, d) = t4(this, other)
  return ComplexNumber(a * c - b * d, b * c + a * d)
operator fun ComplexNumber.plus(other: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber {
  val (a, b, c, d) = t4(this, other)
  return ComplexNumber(a + c, b + d)
operator fun ComplexNumber.minus(other: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber {
  val (a, b, c, d) = t4(this, other)
  return ComplexNumber(a - c, b - d)
operator fun ComplexNumber.div(other: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber {
  val (a, b, c, d) = t4(this, other)
  return ComplexNumber(
      (a * c + b * d) / (c * c + d * d),
      (b * c - a * d) / (c * c + d * d))
private data class Tuple4(
    val a: Double,
    val b: Double,
    val c: Double,
    val d: Double)
private fun t4(x: ComplexNumber, y: ComplexNumber): Tuple4 {
  val (a, b) = x
  val (c, d) = y
  return Tuple4(a, b, c, d)

Prime Factors #

object PrimeFactorCalculator {
    fun <T> primeFactors(num: T): List<T> where T : Number {
        val list = mutableListOf<T>()
        var number = num.toLong()
        val primeSequence = (2..Long.MAX_VALUE).asSequence().filter { x -> !(2..x / 2).any { x.rem(it) == 0L } }.iterator()
        while (number > 1L) {
            val primeNumber = primeSequence.next()
            while (number.rem(primeNumber) == 0L) {
                list += primeNumber.convert(num)
                number = number.div(primeNumber)
        return list
    private fun <T> Long.convert(input: T): T {
        return when (input) {
            is Int -> this.toInt()
            is Double -> this.toDouble()
            else -> this
        } as T

Pascal’s Triangle #

object PascalsTriangle {
  fun computeTriangle(rows: Int): List<List<Int>> {
    require(rows >= 0) { "Rows can't be negative!" }
    return generateSequence(listOf(1)) { prev ->
      listOf(1) + prev.windowed(2).map { it.sum() } + listOf(1)

Nth Prime #

private fun Int.sqrt() = Math.sqrt(this.toDouble()).toInt()
object Prime {
    fun nth(n: Int): Int {
        require(n > 0) { "There is no zeroth prime." }
        return generateSequence(1, { it + 1 })
            .filterNot { value -> (2..value.sqrt()).any { value % it == 0 } }

Kindergarten Garden #

class KindergartenGarden(private val diagram: String) {
    private val children = """
        Alice, Bob, Charlie, David,
        Eve, Fred, Ginny, Harriet,
        Ileana, Joseph, Kincaid, Larry
    private val ltrToPlant = mapOf(
        'V' to "violets",
        'R' to "radishes",
        'C' to "clover",
        'G' to "grass"
    private val plants = diagram
        .map { it.map(ltrToPlant::get).filterNotNull().chunked(2) }
        .let { (fst, snd) -> fst.zip(snd) { a, b -> a + b }  }
    fun getPlantsOfStudent(student: String): List<String> {
        return children
            .let { plants[it] }

Robot Simulator #


import Orientation.*
class Robot (var gridPosition: GridPosition = GridPosition(0,0),
             var orientation: Orientation = NORTH){
    fun turnRight() {
        orientation  = values()[(orientation.ordinal + 1) % 4]
    fun turnLeft() {
        val new  =
                when (orientation) {
                    NORTH -> WEST.ordinal
                    else -> orientation.ordinal - 1
        orientation = values()[new]
    fun advance() {
        gridPosition =
                when (orientation) {
                    NORTH -> GridPosition(gridPosition.x, gridPosition.y + 1)
                    EAST -> GridPosition(gridPosition.x + 1, gridPosition.y)
                    SOUTH -> GridPosition(gridPosition.x, gridPosition.y - 1)
                    WEST -> GridPosition(gridPosition.x - 1, gridPosition.y)
    fun simulate(s: String) {
        s.forEach {
            when (it) {
                'L' -> turnLeft()
                'R' -> turnRight()
                'A' -> advance()

Grains #

package Board
import java.math.BigInteger
const val FIRST_SQUARE = 1
const val LAST_SQUARE = 64
fun requireValidSquare(n: Int) =
    require(n in FIRST_SQUARE .. LAST_SQUARE) { "Only integers between 1 and 64 (inclusive) are allowed" }
fun getGrainCountForSquare(n: Int): BigInteger {
    return getGrainCountForValidSquare(n)
private fun getGrainCountForValidSquare(n: Int) = BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(n - 1)
fun getTotalGrainCount() =
    .fold(BigInteger.ZERO) { sum, n ->

Forth #

class Forth {
    private val words = mutableListOf<String>()
    private val stack = mutableListOf<Int>()
    private val procedureTitles = mutableListOf<String>()
    private val procedureOps = mutableListOf<String>()
    private var recursiveCall = false
    private var recursiveIndex = 0
    fun evaluate(vararg line: String): List<Int> {
        var newWordFound = false
        var titleFound = false
        var stringToAdd = ""
        line.forEach {
            val wordLine = it.split(' ')
            val newLine = wordLine.map {x ->
        for (command in words) {
            if (command.all { it.isDigit() } && !newWordFound) {
            else {
                if (command.length == 1 && command != ":" && command != ";"
                    && !command.all { it.isDigit() } && !newWordFound) {
                else if (command == ":" && !newWordFound){
                    newWordFound = true
                else if (newWordFound){
                    if (!titleFound){
                        if (command.all { it.isDigit() }){
                            throw Exception("illegal operation")
                        else {
                            titleFound = true
                        if (command != ";")
                           stringToAdd += " $command"
                            procedureOps.add(stringToAdd.removePrefix(" "))
                            stringToAdd = ""
                            titleFound = false
                            newWordFound = false
                else if (command.length > 1) {
        return stack
    private fun operation (action: String) {
        if (procedureTitles.contains(action))
        else {
            when (action) {
                "+" -> {
                    if (stack.size >= 2) {
                        val newValue = stack[0] + stack[1]
                        stack.add(0, newValue)
                    } else {
                        if (stack.size == 0)
                            throw Exception("empty stack")
                            throw Exception("only one value on the stack")
                "-" -> {
                    if (stack.size >= 2) {
                        val newValue = stack[0] - stack[1]
                        stack.add(0, newValue)
                    } else {
                        if (stack.size == 0)
                            throw Exception("empty stack")
                            throw Exception("only one value on the stack")
                "*" -> {
                    if (stack.size >= 2) {
                        val newValue = stack[0] * stack[1]
                        stack.add(0, newValue)
                    } else {
                        if (stack.size == 0)
                            throw Exception("empty stack")
                            throw Exception("only one value on the stack")
                "/" -> {
                    if (stack.size >= 2) {
                        if (stack[1] != 0) {
                            val newValue = stack[0] / stack[1]
                            stack.add(0, newValue)
                        } else
                            throw Exception("divide by zero")
                    } else {
                        if (stack.size == 0)
                            throw Exception("empty stack")
                            throw Exception("only one value on the stack")
                else -> println("Error! No operation sent!")
    private fun stackOperation (action: String) {
        if (procedureTitles.contains(action))
        when (action) {
            "dup" -> {
                if (stack.size >= 1) {
                } else
                    throw Exception("empty stack")
            "drop" -> {
                if (stack.size >= 1) {
                } else
                    throw Exception("empty stack")
            "swap" -> {
                if (stack.size >= 2) {
                    val newValues = mutableListOf(stack.removeAt(stack.lastIndex))
                } else {
                    if (stack.size == 0)
                        throw Exception("empty stack")
                        throw Exception("only one value on the stack")
            "over" -> {
                if (stack.size >= 2) {
                    stack.add(stack[stack.lastIndex - 1])
                } else {
                    if (stack.size == 0)
                        throw Exception("empty stack")
                        throw Exception("only one value on the stack")
            else -> {
                if (procedureTitles.contains(action))
                    throw Exception("undefined operation")
    private fun otherOpFound (word: String) {
        val indexToUse: Int
        if (!recursiveCall) {
            if (procedureTitles.contains(word))
                indexToUse = procedureTitles.lastIndexOf(word)
            else {
                throw Exception(
                    "Procedure not found!!! word is $word"
            if (procedureTitles.slice(0..recursiveIndex).contains(word)) {
                recursiveCall = false
                indexToUse = procedureTitles.slice(0..recursiveIndex).lastIndexOf(word)
            else {
                throw Exception(
                    "Procedure not found!!! Word $word has not been defined before ${procedureTitles[recursiveIndex]}"
        val procedureWords = procedureOps[indexToUse].split(" ")
        for (command in procedureWords){
            if (command.all { it.isDigit() }) {
            else {
                if (command.length == 1 && command != "!") {
                else if (procedureTitles.contains(command)){
                    recursiveCall = true
                else {

Sum of Multiples #

object SumOfMultiples {
    fun sum(divisors: Set<Int>, limit: Int) = (1 until limit).filter { n ->
        n.isDivisible(divisors.filter { d -> d > 0 }.toSet()) }.sum()
    private fun Int.isDivisible(divisors: Set<Int>): Boolean = divisors.any { this % it == 0 }

Sieve #

import kotlin.math.sqrt
object Sieve {
    fun primesUpTo(max: Int): List<Int> {
        var numbers = (2..max).toList()
        val primes = mutableListOf<Int>()
        while (numbers.isNotEmpty()) {
            if (numbers.first() > sqrt(max.toDouble())) {
            numbers = numbers.filter { it % numbers.first() != 0 }
        return primes

Perfect Numbers #

enum class Classification { DEFICIENT, PERFECT, ABUNDANT }
fun classify(naturalNumber: Int) = naturalNumber
        .let { require(it > 0); it }
        .let {
            when {
                it < 0 -> Classification.ABUNDANT
                it == 0 -> Classification.PERFECT
                else -> Classification.DEFICIENT
private val Int.factors: List<Int>
    get() = (1..this / 2).fold(emptyList()) { factors, i -> if (this % i == 0) factors.plus(i) else factors }

Dominoes #

class ChainNotFoundException : RuntimeException()
data class Domino(val left: Int, val right: Int)
object Dominoes {
    fun formChain(vararg xs: Domino) = formChain(xs.toList())
    fun formChain(xs: List<Domino>): List<Domino> =
        if (xs.isEmpty())
        else {
            val ys = mutableListOf(listOf(xs.first()))
            go(ys, xs.drop(1))
            ys.removeIf { it.size != xs.size || it.first().left != it.last().right }
            if (ys.isEmpty()) throw ChainNotFoundException() else ys.first()
    private fun go(acc: MutableList<List<Domino>>, pool: List<Domino>) {
        if (pool.isEmpty()) return
        val xs = acc.last()
        val last = xs.last()
        pool.filter { last.right == it.left || last.right == it.right }
            .forEach {
                acc.add(xs.plus(if (last.right == it.left) it else Domino(it.right, it.left)))
                go(acc, pool.minus(it))

Minesweeper #

class MinesweeperBoard(val inputBoard: List<String>) {
  fun withNumbers(): List<String> =
    inputBoard.mapIndexed { row, str ->
      str.mapIndexed { col, cell -> when (cell) {
          ' ' -> adjacentMines(row, col)
          else -> cell
  private fun adjacentMines(row: Int, col: Int): Char {
    val count =
      (Math.max(0, row - 1)..Math.min(inputBoard.size - 1, row + 1))
        .flatMap { i ->
          (Math.max(0, col - 1)..Math.min(inputBoard[i].length - 1, col + 1))
            .map { j ->
              if (inputBoard[i][j] == '*') 1 else 0
    return if (count > 0) (count + 48).toChar() else ' '

Scale Generator #

class Scale(private val tonic: String) {
    private val chromatic = if (tonic.getOrNull(1) == '#') {
        listOf("C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B")
    } else {
        listOf("F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B", "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E")
    }.run { dropWhile { it.toUpperCase() != tonic.toUpperCase() } + takeWhile { it.toUpperCase() != tonic.toUpperCase() } }
    fun chromatic(): List<String> = chromatic
    fun interval(intervals: String): List<String> =
        intervals.scan(0) { x, y -> x + "mMA".indexOf(y) + 1 }.mapNotNull { chromatic.getOrNull(it) }

Run Length Encoding #

object RunLengthEncoding {
    fun encode(input: String): String =
        input.replace(Regex("(.)\\1+")) {
            String.format("%d%s", it.value.length, it.groupValues[1])
    fun decode(input: String): String =
        input.replace(Regex("(\\d+)(.)")) {

Crypto Square #

import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.sqrt
object CryptoSquare {
    fun ciphertext(plaintext: String): String = plaintext
            .joinToString(" ")
    private fun String.normalize() = this.toLowerCase().filter(Char::isLetterOrDigit)
    private fun String.toRectangleMatrix(): List<String> {
        val c = numberOfColumns(this)
        return this.chunked(c) { it.toString().padEnd(c, ' ') }
    // Using max(x, 1) in case the string is empty
    private fun numberOfColumns(s: String) = maxOf(ceil(sqrt(s.length.toDouble())).toInt(), 1)
    private fun List<String>.transpose(): List<String> =
            (this.elementAtOrElse(0) { "" }.indices).map { col ->
                (this.indices).map { row ->

Roman Numerals #

object RomanNumerals {
    fun value(number: Int): String {
        require(number < 4000) { "Unsupported Value $number" }
        return ROMAN.fold(Pair(number, "")) { (arabic, result) , (rem, roman) ->
            val times = arabic / rem
            Pair(arabic - rem * times, result + roman.repeat(times))
    val ROMAN = listOf(
        1000 to "M", 900 to "CM", 600 to "CM", 500 to "D", 400 to "CD",
        100 to "C", 90 to "XC", 50 to "L", 40 to "XL",
        10 to "X", 9 to "IX", 5 to "V", 4 to "IV", 1 to "I"

Series #

object Series {
    fun slices(n: Int, s: String): List<List<Int>> {
        require(n <= s.length && s.isNotBlank())
        return s.windowed(n) { it.map { c -> "$c".toInt() } }

Phone Number #

class PhoneNumber(input: String) {
    var number: String? = null
    init {
        number = input
                .replace(Regex("[^0-9]"), "")
                .let {
                    when {
                        it.length == 10
                                && it.substring(0, 1).matches(Regex("[2-9]"))
                                && it.substring(3, 4).matches(Regex("[2-9]")) -> it
                        it.length == 11
                                && it.first().equals('1') -> it.drop(1)
                        else -> null

Nucleotide Count #

class Dna (sequence: String) {
    init {
        require(sequence.all { c -> c in "ACGT" })
    val nucleotideCounts: Map<Char, Int> = sequence.groupBy { it }
            .mapValuesTo(mutableMapOf('A' to 0,'C' to 0, 'G' to 0, 'T' to 0)) { it.value.size }

Luhn #

object Luhn {
  fun isValid(number: String): Boolean {
    val (digits, others) = number
    if (digits.length <= 1 || others.isNotEmpty()) {
      return false
    val checksum = digits
      .map { it.toInt() - '0'.toInt() }
      .mapIndexed { index, value ->
        if (index % 2 == 1 && value < 9) value * 2 % 9 else value
    return checksum % 10 == 0

Largest Series Product #

class Series(input: String) {
    private val digits = input.map { it.digitToInt() }
    fun getLargestProduct(span: Int): Long {
        require(span >= 0 && span <= digits.size) { "span $span, outside of range 0..${digits.size}" }
        if (span == 0) return 1
        return digits.windowed(span).maxOf { it.product() }
    private fun Iterable<Int>.product() = fold(1L) { acc, e -> acc * e }

ISBN Verifier #

class IsbnVerifier {
    fun isValid(number: String): Boolean =
        with (number.replace("-", "")) {
            matches(Regex("\\d{9}[\\dX]")) &&
            mapIndexed { i, c -> c.asInt() * (10 - i) }.sum() % 11 == 0
fun Char.asInt(): Int = if (this.isDigit()) this - '0' else 10

Beer Song #

object   BeerSong {
    val lyrics = verses(99, 0)
    fun verses(start: Int, end: Int): String {
        return (start downTo end).map { verse(it) }.joinToString("\n")
    fun verse(n: Int): String {
        return when {
            n in 2..99 -> "${n} bottles of beer on the wall, ${n} bottles of beer.\nTake one down and pass it around, ${n - 1} ${if (n == 2) "bottle" else "bottles"} of beer on the wall.\n"
            n == 1 -> "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\nTake it down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n"
            n == 0 -> "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\nGo to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n"
            n < 0  -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Beer song verse can't be negative")
            n > 99 -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Beer song only goes up to verse 99")
            else   -> ""

Bob #

enum class Request {
    companion object {
        fun parseRequest(request: String) =
                when {
                    request.isBlank() -> ADDRESS
                    request.filter { it.isLetter() }.let { it.isNotEmpty() && it.none { it.isLowerCase() } } -> YELL
                    request.trimEnd().endsWith('?') -> QUESTION
                    else -> ELSE
class Bob {
    companion object {
        fun hey(request: String) =
                when (Request.parseRequest(request)) {
                    Request.QUESTION -> "Sure."
                    Request.YELL -> "Whoa, chill out!"
                    Request.ADDRESS -> "Fine. Be that way!"
                    Request.ELSE -> "Whatever."

Diamond #

class DiamondPrinter {
  fun printToList(c : Char): List<String> {
    require(c in 'A'..'Z')
    val vp = ('A' until c) + (c downTo 'A')
    val hp = (c downTo 'A') + ('B'..c)
    return vp.map { y -> hp.map { x -> if (x == y) y else ' ' }.joinToString("") }

Anagram #

import java.util.stream.Collectors.toSet
class Anagram(private val s: String) {
    private val toSortedList: (String) -> List<Char> = { it.toLowerCase().toList().sorted() }
    fun match(anagrams: Collection<String>): Set<String> {
        return anagrams.stream()
                .filter{ it.length == s.length }
                .filter{ it.toLowerCase() != s.toLowerCase() }
                .filter{ toSortedList(it) == toSortedList(s) }

Pig Latin #

package PigLatin
fun translate(phrase: String) =
          (?<vowel> [aeiou] | xr | yt )
        | (?<consonant> ch | \w?qu | rh | thr? | sch | \w )
        )(?<body> \w+ )
        """, RegexOption.COMMENTS)
    .replace(phrase, "\${vowel}\${body}\${consonant}ay")

Isogram #

class Isogram {
    companion object {
       fun isIsogram(input: String): Boolean{
           val clean = input.replace(Regex("[ -]"), "")
           return (clean.length == clean.toLowerCase().toCharArray().distinct().size)
object BinarySearch {
    fun search(list: List<Int>, item: Int): Int =
            (list.size / 2).let {
                when {
                    list.isEmpty() -> throw NoSuchElementException()
                    list[it] < item -> (it + 1) + search(list.subList(it + 1, list.size), item)
                    list[it] > item -> search(list.subList(0, it), item)
                    else -> it

Linked List #

class Deque<T> {
    private var first: Node<T>? = null
    private var last: Node<T>? = null
    fun push(value: T) {
        if (first == null) {
            first = Node(value)
        } else {
            if (last == null) {
                last = first
            first = Node(value, right = first)
            first?.right?.left = first
    fun pop(): T? {
        val toReturn = first?.value
        first?.right?.let {
            first = first!!.right
            first?.left = null
            if (first == last) {
                last = null
        } ?: run { first = null }
        return toReturn
    fun unshift(value: T) {
        if (first == null)
        else if (last == null) {
            last = Node(value, left = first)
            first?.right = last
        } else {
            val add = Node(value, left = last)
            last?.right = add
            last = add
    fun shift(): T? {
        if (last == null) {
            val ret = first?.value
            first = null
            return ret
        } else {
            val ret = last?.value
            last?.left?.right = null
            if (last?.left == first)
                last = null
                last = last?.left
            return ret
class Node<T>(var value: T, var left: Node<T>? = null, var right: Node<T>? = null)

Bank Account #

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
class BankAccount {
    private val _balance: AtomicInteger = AtomicInteger(0)
    private val closed: AtomicBoolean = AtomicBoolean(false)
    val balance: Int
        get() = ifOpen {
    fun adjustBalance(amount: Int) = ifOpen {
    fun close() {
    private inline fun <T> ifOpen(action: () -> T): T {
        if (closed.get()) throw IllegalStateException()
        return action()

Rotational Cipher #

import java.util.Random
private val random = Random()
private fun List<*>.randomSample(n: Int) = (0 until n).map { this[random.nextInt(this.size)] }
private val names = mutableSetOf<String>()
private val letters = ('A'..'Z').toList()
private val numbers = ('0'..'9').toList()
class Robot {
    var name: String
    init {
        name = generateName()
    fun reset() {
        name = generateName()
    private tailrec fun generateName(): String {
        val name = letters.randomSample(2).plus(numbers.randomSample(3)).joinToString("")
        return when {
            names.add(name) -> name
            else -> generateName()

Robot Name #

import java.util.Random
private val random = Random()
private fun List<*>.randomSample(n: Int) = (0 until n).map { this[random.nextInt(this.size)] }
private val names = mutableSetOf<String>()
private val letters = ('A'..'Z').toList()
private val numbers = ('0'..'9').toList()
class Robot {
    var name: String
    init {
        name = generateName()
    fun reset() {
        name = generateName()
    private tailrec fun generateName(): String {
        val name = letters.randomSample(2).plus(numbers.randomSample(3)).joinToString("")
        return when {
            names.add(name) -> name
            else -> generateName()

Word Count #

object WordCount {
    fun phrase(text: String): Map<String, Int> =
                .groupBy { it }.mapValues { it.value.size }

Flatten-Array #

object Flattener {
   fun flatten(nestedList: List<Any?>): List<Any> {
      return nestedList.flatMap { when(it) {
         is List<*> -> flatten(it)
         else -> listOf(it)
      } }.filterNotNull()

Triangle #

class Triangle<out T : Number>(val a: T, val b: T, val c: T) {
    init {
        val sides = listOf(a, b, c).map(Number::toDouble).sorted()
        require(sides[0] > 0 && sides[0] + sides[1] > sides[2]) {
            "not a triangle"
    private val numSides = setOf(a, b, c).size
    val isEquilateral: Boolean = numSides == 1
    val isIsosceles:   Boolean = numSides <= 2
    val isScalene:     Boolean = numSides == 3

Wordy #

import kotlin.math.pow
object Wordy {
    fun answer(input: String): Int {
        require(input.startsWith("What is ") && input.endsWith("?"))
        val expression = input.substring("What is ".length, input.length - 1)
                .replace("by ", "")
                .replace("th power", "")
                .replace("raised to the ", "raised ")
                .split(" ")
        var result = 0
        var operation = ""
        for ((index, value) in expression.withIndex()) {
            if (index % 2 == 0) {
                val intValue = value.toInt()
                when (operation) {
                    "plus" -> result += intValue
                    "minus" -> result -= intValue
                    "multiplied" -> result *= intValue
                    "divided" -> result /= intValue
                    "raised" -> result = result.pow(intValue)
                    "" -> result = intValue
                operation = ""
            } else {
                operation = value
        if (operation.isNotEmpty()) throw IllegalArgumentException()
        return result
private fun Int.pow(exp: Int) = this.toDouble().pow(exp).toInt()

Zebra Puzzle #

import kotlin.math.absoluteValue

enum class Color { Red, Green, Ivory, Yellow, Blue }
enum class Resident { Englishman, Spaniard, Ukrainian, Norwegian, Japanese }
enum class Pet { Dog, Snails, Fox, Horse, Zebra }
enum class Drink { Coffee, Tea, Milk, OrangeJuice, Water }
enum class Smoke { OldGold, Kools, Chesterfields, LuckyStrike, Parliaments }

data class Solution(
    val colors: List<Color>,
    val residents: List<Resident>,
    val pets: List<Pet>,
    val drinks: List<Drink>,
    val smokes: List<Smoke>

class ZebraPuzzle {
    fun drinksWater() = solution.residents[solution.drinks.indexOf(Drink.Water)].name
    fun ownsZebra() = solution.residents[solution.pets.indexOf(Pet.Zebra)].name

    private val solution = calculateSolution()
    private fun calculateSolution(): Solution {
        for (colors in permutations<Color>().filter { it.matchesColorRules() }) {
            for (residents in permutations<Resident>().filter { it.matchesResidentRules(colors) }) {
                for (pets in permutations<Pet>().filter { it.matchesPetRules(residents) }) {
                    for (drinks in permutations<Drink>().filter { it.matchesDrinkRules(colors, residents) }) {
                        for (smokes in permutations<Smoke>().filter { it.matchesSmokeRules(colors, residents, drinks, pets) }) {
                            return Solution(colors, residents, pets, drinks, smokes)
        throw Exception("No solution could be found")

    private fun List<Color>.matchesColorRules() =
        indexOf(Color.Green) == indexOf(Color.Ivory) + 1

    private fun List<Resident>.matchesResidentRules(colors: List<Color>) =
        indexOf(Resident.Norwegian) == 0 &&
                indexOf(Resident.Englishman) == colors.indexOf(Color.Red) &&
                (indexOf(Resident.Norwegian) - colors.indexOf(Color.Blue)).absoluteValue == 1

    private fun List<Pet>.matchesPetRules(residents: List<Resident>) =
        indexOf(Pet.Dog) == residents.indexOf(Resident.Spaniard)

    private fun List<Drink>.matchesDrinkRules(colors: List<Color>, residents: List<Resident>) =
        indexOf(Drink.Coffee) == colors.indexOf(Color.Green) &&
                indexOf(Drink.Tea) == residents.indexOf(Resident.Ukrainian) &&
                indexOf(Drink.Milk) == 2

    private fun List<Smoke>.matchesSmokeRules(
        colors: List<Color>,
        residents: List<Resident>,
        drinks: List<Drink>,
        pets: List<Pet>
    ) =
        indexOf(Smoke.OldGold) == pets.indexOf(Pet.Snails) &&
                indexOf(Smoke.Kools) == colors.indexOf(Color.Yellow) &&
                (indexOf(Smoke.Chesterfields) - pets.indexOf(Pet.Fox)).absoluteValue == 1 &&
                (indexOf(Smoke.Kools) - pets.indexOf(Pet.Horse)).absoluteValue == 1 &&
                indexOf(Smoke.LuckyStrike) == drinks.indexOf(Drink.OrangeJuice) &&
                indexOf(Smoke.Parliaments) == residents.indexOf(Resident.Japanese)

private inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> permutations() = enumValues<T>().toList().permutations()

private fun <T> List<T>.permutations(): Sequence<List<T>> =
    if (size <= 1) sequenceOf(this)
    else asSequence().flatMap { seq -> (this - seq).permutations().map { listOf(seq) + it } }

Meetup #


import java.time.DayOfWeek
import java.time.LocalDate

import MeetupSchedule.*

class Meetup(_month: Int, _year: Int) {
    private val year = _year
    private val month = _month
    private val monthLength = LocalDate.of(_year, _month, 1).lengthOfMonth()
    fun day(dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek, schedule: MeetupSchedule): LocalDate {
        val possibleDays = (1..monthLength).toList()
            .groupBy { LocalDate.of(year, month, it).dayOfWeek }
        val meetupDay = when (schedule) {
            in (FIRST..FOURTH)  -> possibleDays[schedule.ordinal]
            LAST                -> possibleDays[possibleDays.lastIndex]
            else                -> possibleDays.first { it in (13..19) }
        return LocalDate.of(year, month, meetupDay)


import java.time.DayOfWeek
import java.time.LocalDate

enum class MeetupSchedule {



Collatz Calculator #

object CollatzCalculator {
  fun computeStepCount(start: Int): Int {
  var count = 0
  var run = start
  while (run != 1) {
	 if (run % 2 == 0) {
			count += 1
			run /= 2
		} else {
			count += 1
			run *= 3
			run += 1
	return count

Hamming #

package Hamming
fun compute(leftStrand: String, rightStrand: String): Int {
    require (leftStrand.length == rightStrand.length) {
        "leftStrand and rightStrand must be of equal length."
    return leftStrand.zip(rightStrand)
            .count { (l, r) -> l != r }

Knapsack #

data class Item(val weight: Int, val value: Int) {
    operator fun plus(b: Item) = Item(weight + b.weight, value + b.value)
fun knapsack(maximumWeight: Int, items: List<Item>): Int =
    items.combinations(maximumWeight).maxOfOrNull { it.value } ?: 0
private fun List<Item>.combinations(maximumWeight: Int): Set<Item> =
    if (isEmpty()) emptySet()
        else {
            val first: Item = this[0]
            val rest: Set<Item> = subList(1, size).combinations(maximumWeight)
            if (first.weight > maximumWeight) rest
            else {
                setOf(first) + rest + rest.map { it + first }.filter { it.weight <= maximumWeight }

Darts #

object Darts {
    fun score(x: Number, y: Number): Int {
        val xD = x.toDouble()
        val yD = y.toDouble()
        val hit: Double = kotlin.math.sqrt((xD*xD)+(yD*yD))
        when {
            hit <= 1 -> return 10
            hit <= 5 -> return 5
            hit <= 10 -> return 1
            else -> return 0

Acronym #

object Acronym {
    fun generate(phrase : String) : String
            = phrase.replace("-", " ")
            .split(" ")
            .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
            .map { it.first() }

Scrabble Score #

object ScrabbleScore {
    fun scoreWord(input: String): Int {
        var point = 0
        val listOfPointOne = listOf('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'L', 'N', 'R', 'S', 'T')
        val listOfPointTwo = listOf('D', 'G')
        val listOfPointThree = listOf('B', 'C', 'M', 'P')
        val listOfPointFour = listOf('F', 'H', 'V', 'W', 'Y')
        val listOfPointFive = listOf('K')
        val listOfPointEight = listOf('J', 'X')
        val listOfPointTen = listOf('Q', 'Z')
        input.toCharArray().map {
            when (it.toUpperCase()) {
                in listOfPointOne -> point += 1
                in listOfPointTwo -> point += 2
                in listOfPointThree -> point += 3
                in listOfPointFour -> point += 4
                in listOfPointFive -> point += 5
                in listOfPointEight -> point += 8
                in listOfPointTen -> point += 10
        return point

Affine Cipher #

object AffineCipher {
    private const val alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    private const val m = alphabet.length
    fun encode(input: String, a: Int, b: Int): String {
        require(coprime(a)) { "a and m must be coprime." }
        return input.toLowerCase()
            .filter { it.isLetterOrDigit() }
            .map { encodedLetter(it, a, b) }
            .joinToString(" ")
    private fun encodedLetter(c: Char, a: Int, b: Int): Char {
        if (c.isDigit()) return c
        val x = alphabet.indexOf(c)
        return alphabet[(a * x + b) % m]
    private fun coprime(a: Int) = mminverse(a) in (0 until m)
    private fun mminverse(a: Int): Int {
        for (n in 0 until m) {
            if ((a * n) % m == 1) {
                return n
        return -1
    fun decode(input: String, a: Int, b: Int): String {
        require(coprime(a)) { "a and m must be coprime." }
        return input.filter { it.isLetterOrDigit() }
            .map { decodedLetter(it, a, b) }
    private fun decodedLetter(c: Char, a: Int, b: Int): Char {
        if (c.isDigit()) return c
        val y = alphabet.indexOf(c)
        return alphabet[Math.floorMod((mminverse(a) * (y - b)), m)]

Resistor Color #

object ResistorColor {

    fun colorCode(input: String) = colors().indexOf(input)

    fun colors(): List<String> = listOf("black", "brown", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "violet", "grey", "white")


Resistor Color Duo #

object ResistorColorDuo {
    fun value(vararg colors: Color): Int {
        return (colors[0].ordinal * 10) + colors[1].ordinal

Resistor Color Trio #

object ResistorColorTrio {
    fun text(vararg input: Color): String {
        val number = "${input[0].ordinal}${input[1].ordinal}${"0".repeat(input[2].ordinal)}"
        val zeros = "$number".drop(1).filter{it == '0'}.count()
        return "$number".dropLast(zeros-(zeros % 3)).plus(" ${Unit.values().get(zeros / 3)}").toLowerCase()

Pangram #

object Pangram {
    fun isPangram(input: String): Boolean {
        val lettersUsed = mutableSetOf<Char>()
            .filter { it.isLetter() }
            .forEach { lettersUsed.add(it) }
        return lettersUsed.size == 26

DND Character #

import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.random.*
class DndCharacter {
    val strength: Int = ability()
    val dexterity: Int = ability()
    val constitution: Int = ability()
    val intelligence: Int = ability()
    val wisdom: Int = ability()
    val charisma: Int = ability()
    val hitpoints: Int = 10 + modifier(constitution)
    companion object {
        fun ability(): Int {
            val stats = IntArray(4) { Random.nextInt(1 until 6) }.toMutableList()
            for (i in 1 until 4) {
                stats.add(Random.nextInt(1 until 6))
            return stats.takeLast(3).sum()
        fun modifier(score: Int): Int {
            return floor((score - 10.toDouble()) / 2.toDouble()).toInt()

Reverse String #

fun reverse(input: String): String {
    val reversed: MutableList<Char> = mutableListOf<Char>()
    var end: Int = input.length
    for (i in input.indices) {
      end =- 1
    return reversed.joinToString()

Yacht #

object Yacht {
    fun solve(category: YachtCategory, vararg dices: Int) =
            when (category) {
                YachtCategory.YACHT -> if (dices.groupBy { it }.any { it.value.size == 5 })
                YachtCategory.FULL_HOUSE -> if (dices.groupBy { it }.any { it.value.size == 3 }
                        && dices.groupBy { it }.any { it.value.size == 2 })
                YachtCategory.FOUR_OF_A_KIND -> if (dices.groupBy { it }.any { it.value.size >= 4 })
                    dices.groupBy { it }.filter { it.value.size >= 4 }.map { it.key }[0] * 4
                YachtCategory.LITTLE_STRAIGHT -> if (dices.count { it == 1 } == 1
                        && dices.count { it == 2 } == 1
                        && dices.count { it == 3 } == 1
                        && dices.count { it == 4 } == 1
                        && dices.count { it == 5 } == 1)
                YachtCategory.BIG_STRAIGHT -> if (dices.count { it == 2 } == 1
                        && dices.count { it == 3 } == 1
                        && dices.count { it == 4 } == 1
                        && dices.count { it == 5 } == 1
                        && dices.count { it == 6 } == 1)
                YachtCategory.ONES -> dices.filter { it == 1 }.sum()
                YachtCategory.TWOS -> dices.filter { it == 2 }.sum()
                YachtCategory.THREES -> dices.filter { it == 3 }.sum()
                YachtCategory.FOURS -> dices.filter { it == 4 }.sum()
                YachtCategory.FIVES -> dices.filter { it == 5 }.sum()
                YachtCategory.SIXES -> dices.filter { it == 6 }.sum()
                YachtCategory.CHOICE -> dices.sum()

Secret Handshsake #

object HandshakeCalculator {
    private infix fun Int.hasBitSet(bit: Int): Boolean = ((this shr bit) and 0x1) == 1
    fun calculateHandshake(number: Int): List<Signal> {
        return mutableListOf<Signal>().apply {
            if (number hasBitSet 0) add(Signal.WINK)
            if (number hasBitSet 1) add(Signal.DOUBLE_BLINK)
            if (number hasBitSet 2) add(Signal.CLOSE_YOUR_EYES)
            if (number hasBitSet 3) add(Signal.JUMP)
            if (number hasBitSet 4) reverse()

Difference of Squares #

private fun Int.squared() = this * this
class Squares(private val value: Int) {
    fun squareOfSum() = 1.rangeTo(value).sum().squared()
    fun sumOfSquares() = 1.rangeTo(value).map(Int::squared).sum()
    fun difference() = squareOfSum() - sumOfSquares()

RNA Transcription #

fun transcribeToRna(dna: String): String = dna.map{
    when(it) {
        'G' -> 'C'
        'C' -> 'G'
        'T' -> 'A'
        'A' -> 'U'
        else ->it

Raindrops #

object Raindrops {

    fun convert(n: Int): String = buildString {
        if (n % 3 == 0) append("Pling")
        if (n % 5 == 0) append("Plang")
        if (n % 7 == 0) append("Plong")
        if (isEmpty()) append(n)

Armstrong Numbers #

import kotlin.math.pow

object ArmstrongNumber {

    fun check(input: Int): Boolean {
        val str = input.toString()
        val len = input.toString().length
        var result: Double = 0.0

        for (c in str) {
            result += c.digitToInt().toDouble().pow(len)

        return input == result.toInt()

Clock #

class Clock(hh: Int, mm: Int) {
    private var hh = 0
    private var mm = 0

    init {
        setup(hh, mm)

    fun subtract(minutes: Int) {

    fun add(minutes: Int) {
        setup(hh, mm + minutes)

    private fun setup(hh: Int, mm: Int) {
        this.hh = ((hh + mm / 60) % 24)
        .let { (if (mm % 60 < 0) it - 1 else it) }
        .let { if (it < 0) it + 24 else it }
        this.mm = (mm % 60)
        .let { if (it < 0) it + 60 else it }

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other is Clock) return hh == other.hh && mm == other.mm
        return false

    override fun toString(): String = "%02d:%02d".format(hh, mm)

Saddle Points #

data class MatrixCoordinate(val row: Int, val col: Int)
class Matrix(private val matrix: List<List<Int>>) {

    private val columns by lazy {
        (0 until matrix[0].size).map { i -> matrix.map { it[i] } }

    private val maxInRow by lazy {
        matrix.map { it.maxOrNull() }

    private val minInCol by lazy {
        columns.map { it.minOrNull() }

    val saddlePoints: Set<MatrixCoordinate> = matrix.mapIndexed { x, row -> row.mapIndexedNotNull { y, it -> if (it == maxInRow[x] && it == minInCol[y]) { MatrixCoordinate(x, y) } else null } }.flatten().toSet()

React #

class Reactor<T> {
    interface Subscription {
        fun cancel()
    abstract inner class Cell(
    internal var usedBy: MutableSet<ComputeCell> = mutableSetOf()
        ) {
            abstract var value: T
        inner class InputCell(initialValue: T) : Cell() {
            override var value: T = initialValue
            set(value) {
                field = value
                val map = LinkedHashMap<ComputeCell, Int>()
                var i = 0
                val searchIn = usedBy.toMutableList()
                while (searchIn.any()) {
                    val e = searchIn.removeFirst()
                    map[e] = i++
                .sortedBy { (_, v) -> v }
                .forEach { (k, _) -> k.value = k.updateValue() }
        inner class ComputeCell(
        private vararg val inputs: Cell,
        private val calc: (List<T>) -> T,
            ) : Cell() {
                private val callbacks: MutableList<(T) -> Unit> = mutableListOf()
                override var value: T = updateValue()
                set(value) {
                    if (field != value) {
                        field = value
                        callbacks.forEach { c -> c(value) }
                init {
                    inputs.forEach { input -> input.usedBy.add(this) }
                internal fun updateValue(): T {
                    return calc(inputs.map { cell -> cell.value })
                fun addCallback(callback: (T) -> Unit): Subscription {
                    return object : Subscription {
                        override fun cancel() {

Matrix #

class Matrix(private val matrixAsString: String) {
    fun column(colNr: Int): List<Int> {
        val matrixWhole: List<String> = matrixAsString.split("\n")
            val matrixCol : MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
                for (i in matrixWhole) {
                    matrixCol.add(i.split(" ")[colNr-1].toInt())
                return matrixCol
            fun row(rowNr: Int): List<Int> {
                val matrixWhole: List<String> = matrixAsString.split("\n")
                    return matrixWhole[rowNr - 1].split(" ").map{i -> i.toInt()}

Transpose #

object Transpose {

    fun transpose(input: List<String>): List<String> {
        if (input.isEmpty()) return emptyList()

        val max = input.maxOf { it.length }
        var transposed = mutableListOf<String>()
            for (i in 0 until max) {
                val line = input.map { it.getOrNull(i)?: 'X' }.joinToString("")
                transposed.add(line.trimEnd('X').replace('X', ' '))
            return transposed

Leap #

class Year(private val year: Int) {
    val isLeap: Boolean = when {
        isDivisibleBy(400) -> true
        isDivisibleBy(100) -> false
        isDivisibleBy(4)   -> true
        else -> false
    private fun isDivisibleBy(divisor: Int) = (year % divisor == 0)

custom-set #

class CustomSet(vararg param: Int) {
    private val items :MutableList<Int> = param.toMutableList()
        fun isEmpty() = this.items.size == 0
        fun contains(other: Int): Boolean = items.contains(other)
        fun isSubset(other: CustomSet): Boolean = this.items.size <= other.items.size && this.items.all { other.contains(it) }
        fun isDisjoint(other: CustomSet): Boolean = this.isEmpty() || other.isEmpty() ||!this.items.any { other.contains(it)}
        fun intersection(other: CustomSet): CustomSet = CustomSet(*(this.items.filter { other.contains(it)}.toIntArray()))
        fun add(other: Int) { if (other !in this.items) this.items.add(other)}
        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is CustomSet && this.isSubset(other) && other.isSubset(this)
        operator fun plus(other: CustomSet): CustomSet = CustomSet(*(other.items+(this.items.filter { !other.contains(it)})).toIntArray())
        operator fun minus(other: CustomSet): CustomSet = CustomSet(*(this.items.filter { !other.contains(it)}.toIntArray()))

Space Age #

class SpaceAge(private val ageInSeconds: Long) {
    fun onEarth(): Double {
        return formatRounding(baseAge())
    fun onMercury(): Double {
        return formatRounding(baseAge().div( 0.2408467))
    fun onVenus(): Double {
        return formatRounding(baseAge().div( 0.61519726))
    fun onMars(): Double {
        return formatRounding(baseAge().div( 1.8808158))
    fun onJupiter(): Double {
        return formatRounding(baseAge().div( 11.862615))
    fun onSaturn(): Double {
        return formatRounding(baseAge().div( 29.447498))
    fun onUranus(): Double {
        return formatRounding(baseAge().div( 84.016846))
    fun onNeptune(): Double {
        return formatRounding(baseAge().div( 164.79132))
    private fun baseAge(): Double {
        return ageInSeconds.div(31557600.toDouble())
    private fun formatRounding(beforeRound: Double): Double {
        return "%.2f".format(beforeRound).toDouble()

CrptoSquare #

import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.sqrt
object CryptoSquare {
    fun ciphertext(plaintext: String): String {
        val normalized = plaintext.filter { it.isLetterOrDigit() }.toLowerCase().also { if (it.isEmpty()) return "" }
        val numCols = ceil(sqrt(normalized.length.toDouble())).toInt()
        return normalized.chunked(numCols).let { sq ->
            (0 until numCols).joinToString(" ") { i -> sq.map { it.getOrNull(i) ?: ' ' }.joinToString("")  }

## AWK

### Hello World
BEGIN {print "Hello World!"}